From 2015 to date, the organization with support from Bread for the World have been implementing DECHA food security project. The project was designed to help farmers in Nyanza Region (Seme, Siaya and Kabondo) to address some of the constraints they face in farming venture to attain food, nutrition and income security.

DECHA 1 ran from January 2015 to November 2017. The project focused on promoting sustainable individual development through focusing on economic empowerment, food security, environment management and promote & preventive health management particularly in HIV/AIDS. The project covered Siaya, Kisumu and Homa-bay counties.

Direct Beneficiaries

A total of 95 groups of 10 members each were targeted directly making a total of 950 beneficiaries. In addition, 86 primary schools were targeted through the school health clubs where teachers in charge were trained as resource persons on various aspects of food security activities and personal hygiene.

Indirect Beneficiaries

Indirect beneficiaries have been 10,400 school pupils as well as 20% of the population in the whole of the project area through sensitization and mobilization for various activities.

CISS is currently in the second phase of the DECHA project which started in December 2017 and will end in March 2020. DECHA II Integrated Food Security Project goal is to improve sustainable livelihoods for a population of 1911 people in Siaya, Kisumu and Homa Bay Counties.

The project objectives are:

  1. Food security and environmental management
  2. Preventive health and transformative masculinity
  3. Poverty reduction and youth engagement