Educational exchange visit: Champion farmer exchange visit.

As part of the exchange visit, Our FOSEMA project youth groups got to interact with a Mr. Patrick Magana a champion farmer in Seme sub county, through a conducted educational exchange tour, with the group members taken through the different farming experience as this plays key roles in improving their farming skills.

Together with our project beneficiaries the members were engaged on importance and benefits of good farming practices ongoing across the counties of Kisumu, Siaya, and Homa-bay.

It was great hearing how this successful farmer, Mr. Patrick Magana has played an important role in the lives of members in his community and how impactful his words and lessons will have on these budding youth members.
By being registered members of the youth groups in the community, they have been receiving technical knowledge on farming practices, apiary farming, environmental resilience practices and dairy animal rearing through trainings as well as extension services from FOSEMA extension officers and this has played a key role on how they have improved their farming skills as well as some of their income generating activities.
To transform the conversation on food security and environment resiliency in our community and nation, we must engage all our household members, this includes women, youth and the elderly.

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