Pushing for peace through our communities

There is a range of stories in our societies on the role of young people in conflict situations, most focusing on young people as violent by nature rather than as a product of their communities. Much attention has also been paid to youth as agents of conflict rather than peace. Enhancing structures that promote the participation of youths in peace building will actively contribute to their engagement with decisions and activities that affect their well being.

The role of youth in peace building processes has increasingly been recognized as essential to positively transforming conflicts and building the foundations of peaceful and democratic societies as they are very much at the front lines of peace building in their communities, and act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of their youth constituencies.

CISS in partnership with allies from Western Kenya Peace Initiative organized peace meetings with the registered youth groups at the respective site offices in a view to promoting peace during the upcoming election season within our communities. 


Photo: CISS Field Officer, Mrs. Everline Obado posing with youth group members who were issued with reflective jackets and stickers

Photo: Programmes Officer Mr. Festus Otieno taking group members through Western Kenyan Peace Initiative (WKPI)  training

Photo: Youths in Rachuonyo being trained on peace building skills by our programmes officer Mrs. Herine Kawaka

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